Monday May 24, 2010
Mikey recaps his surprise party; pictures are up on the Mikey Show Facebook fan page. Garrett gave Mikey an awesome gift and Rebecca pulled of the big-time event without a hitch. Arizona says no to San Diego tourism. Sienna won’t talk about Lost until she sees the ending. Woodsy calls out some NBA players for lack of heart and commends others for their tenacity. Venus Williams shows up at her tennis match straight outta a Victoria’s Secret commercial. The 911 call is next of dumb clown who tried calling room #119 in a hotel to order drugs are next. Facebook and Myspace are at it again, selling your secrets. Millions of people sit at their computers and watch the BP oil spill spewing into the sea. Woods went to dog beach and got cursed out by a postal worker, but The Kid always gets the last laugh! Was Brett Michael’s Celebrity Apprentice win legitimate? Name That Tune game is on music and sees the closest game to date; will The Kid get hosed again? What annoying habits do the cast have? Hear about Mikey “Dumping a Dime” because she bruised her knees in the bathroom! A great way to start your day is when you see an un-flushed toilet of filed papers. Jesse James audio evokes some hurt, sadness, and fear, along with some timely Sandra Bullock movie title jokes. DYD (Dude Yer Dumb) goes after schmoozers, flashbulb fathers, Monday mopers, and rude, spandex-clad bike riders. Sienna reports on bosses who spy on employers through computers. Woodsy says Mikey is not allowed to like NSYNC. Eddie Murphy says he’s ready to make a comeback to stand-up comedy. WoW has Lauren disagree with Woodsy’s advice and an M1 who sports Hugh Grant lettuce on his head. Next is the debut of the Ding Dong Sing Along game. Surefire ways for wives to turn on their dudes gets differing opinions, especially on over the top sports chick. It’s fun to make fun of other people’s clothing. Politically Incorrect mistakes made in public have M1’s call in with their funny and embarrassing stories. Burger King’s BBQ ribs were Topper’s idea, and he creeps on LOB and Sienna, offering to take them both to his pad in “Los Almos Heights”. Bono had to have back surgery and his bestie Wolfgang says Bono likes soccer but not Mexicans.
Bumper Music