Tuesday June 29, 2010
Twilight madness talk has the girls as creepers and The Kid as a team Jacob diet follower. Mikey interviews AT&T IPhone customers. June gloom bothers everyone, unless you live in the mountains. People are dropping like flies around Biden and Obama. Audio of jokes from the eleven hour tennis match is played. Mikey Show panel: no more skinny models, The Lohan’s reality show, and Vince Neil’s DUI. Sienna has a 5 second breakfast rule. Kristen Stewart may look stoned all the time, but she gets fired up with Letterman asking her about hunting wolves. Wolfgang wonders why his favorite singer is not on the celebrity singers guessing game. Randy “Macho Man” Savage takes creepy to a whole new level. Sienna gets reprimanded by a woman for her choice of desserts, and it really upsets her. Callers pour in to support her and even a M1 chef calls to put her mind at ease. LOB will rock your face off! The Kid does not like British humor. Move over Facebook, Google’s getting into the social site game. Mikey tells about the Chris Angel look-alike dude who big-timed him with the line; “google me”! Hilary calls in with her amazing Google story. An email about a dude who flies home once a month to his girlfriend’s dismay especially bothers the girls and draws out a big discussion. Team Woods goes everywhere together. When Lil Boots is ready to leave a party his hand goes to Rebecca’s knee. After 40 years of not knowing odd from even, Professor LOB teaches Mikey her foolproof method and he gets it! “Thumbs” Fox is married to “David effing Silver” and he shows up to brag about his 90210 days. There’s no birdy quite as dirty as LOB. Hoyle stops in to press release his bold statement, urges Mikey to “kiss his tamales”, and busts out more rip roarin’ yo mama jokes! Comedian named Felipe Esparza leads to Mikey taking the bus to go fishing jokes. Mikey “interviews” Kanye West. During new releases, The Kid drops the sweet & sour version of “Better Not Ban My Peanuts”. The Kid threatens to go see a midnight showing of Eclipse and stay up all night until work it’s time for work. Salmon; yum or yuck? Mikey tells the salmon left in car and Rebecca gets grossed out story.
Bumper Music