Friday 2/5/2010
It’s official! M1 Nation is the new name for Mikey Show fans. The show starts off with talk of a first week under their belts, and then goes into an email by a chick who says she’s a real sports fan but her man is not into sports. Woods immediately questions the dude’s Man Card. Lew (Lou?) Bush, former NFL linebacker and Barbeque cook extraordinaire visits the studio and talks a about LT leaving the Chargers, food, and his NFL days. Mikey’s lovely wife Rebecca calls in to make fun of Mikey’s “Jar”. The Governator sings a song about Mikey’s “little brown hands picking strawberries”. All in all, the first week was a huge success, Mikey and Sienna carried themselves like seasoned professionals and Woods and Lauren made their mark with their talent. Jay, of course, remained so busy he never sat down. Mikey ends the great week with his first ever testimony on 94/9.