Wednesday September 29, 2010
Mikey can’t stop gushing about the awesomeness of Studio M. What’s the deal with “Bishop” Eddie Long who hates gays but loves (allegedly) boys? This gets into a talk about homophobic stigmas in organized religion. Fighting adults at a child’s birthday party debate banning booze for such events. News of the University of Texas shootings leads to gun control talk. Lavar has a solution for grocery store hassles and then invites LOB to some sweet loving. Jay’s oldest son is on P90X which brings up bad memories for Woods, although Lauren considers trying it. WoS discusses the slumping Padres and the Dallas Cowboys’ get a free meal thanks to rookie Dez Bryant. Mikey remembers when the same thing happened to Sean Merriman with different results. Jame Gum brings in the 7am hour along with the one and only Craig Gass! Tom Arnold begins outing AA secrets and celebrities and their various addictions. Craig tells the story of starting with Stern by imitating Ba Ba Booey and Al Pacino’s speech fires up the gang. Like LOB, Christopher Walken loves sausage! Tracy Morgan’s hilarious Star Wars community college on Dagobah stories is next, along with his experiences dating Darth Vader’s niece and smoking weed. Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley stop by to talk about being dissed from the rock and roll hall of fame yet again but Gene would rather peddle more Kiss products. Craig tells about hanging out with Eddie Vedder and a flight he took with Kanye West shoving people around before he went on to fillet Taylor Swift. Mikey recalls his conversation with comedian Jim Bruer during his split from the old show while parked outside his shrink’s office. LOB keeps her email addy private even from co-workers and this leads to the funny story of Mikey courting Lauren for the new show. Craig talks about doing voices for Family Guy and his cool tales about living at Eddie Van Halen’s house. If you haven’t heard this days show from 7 to 10 you have to podcast it, there’s just too making funny moments to chronicle. Obama’s handler’s help the Prez deliver another stunning speech. Christopher Walken reads poetry! Luke calls in demanding Mikey clear out the people in the house and needs rolling papers. Tom Arnold and Captain Buzzkill become fast friends and Craig invites LOB to open his show at 4&B. 10 songs that make men cry gets hilarious results and Lauren ends the show with a pervasive remark we’d normally expect from Jay!
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